31 July 2012

Update - Hobit rozdělen na 3 části / Hobit divided to 3 movie parts

Tak po spekulacích se to stalo oficiálním. Hobit nebude rozdělen do dvou, ale do tří filmů....Chápu, že mají spoustu natočeného materiálu a chtějí tam toho nechat co nejvíce (Warner Brothers samozřejmě chtějí vydělat co nejvíce), ale upřímně z toho moc nadšená nejsem....teď budeme na odvyprávění celého příběhu čekat tři roky. Oficiální prohlášení Petera Jacksona, které se objevilo na facebooku, najdete níže.

So after some speculations, its official. Hobit will be divided not to two, but three movies....understand that they have a lot of filmed material and they want people to see the most of it (Warner Bros. wants to make the most money of it), but I'm not really happy about that...we will now be waiting three years to see the whole story....You can find official Peter Jackson's statement, that was put on his facebook page yesterday, can be found below.

It is only at the end of a shoot that you finally get the chance to sit down and have a look at the film you have made. Recently Fran, Phil and I did just this when we watched for the first time an early cut of the first movie - and a large chunk of the second. We were really pleased with the way the story was coming together, in particular, the strength of the characters and the cast who have brought them to life.  All of which gave rise to a simple question: do we take this chance to tell more of the tale? And the answer from our perspective as the filmmakers, and as fans, was an unreserved ‘yes.'  

We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance.  The richness of the story of The Hobbit, as well as some of the related material in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, allows us to tell the full story of the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the part he played in the sometimes dangerous, but at all times exciting, history of Middle-earth.

So, without further ado and on behalf of New Line Cinema, Warner Bros. Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Wingnut Films, and the entire cast and crew of “The Hobbit” films, I’d like to announce that two films will become three.  

It has been an unexpected journey indeed, and in the words of Professor Tolkien himself, "a tale that grew in the telling."


Peter J


  1. Tři díly/ roky jsou sakra dlouhá doba na jednu knížku. Ale chápu - PJ je Hobbití fanboy :D
