Vybavena RedBullem, batmanovským tričkem a posilněna jídlem u McDonalds jsem se vydala na půlnoční premiéru filmu Temný Rytíř Povstal.
Prvně si musím postěžovat, - v IMAXu na Flóře mě zklamali. Zamluvíte si lístky do IMAX sálu, v pondělí zavolají, že z technickým důvodů se projekce přesouvá do sálu menšího a vy na místě zjistíte, že je to proto, že se tam koná "VIP" premiéra - tak shame on you!
A všechny, kteří očekávají, že je film ve 3D bych chtěla upozornit, že tomu tak není a ani o tom, že by byl takto natočen, nebylo smýšleno. Režisér filmu Christopher Nolan se nechal slyšet, že nebude natáčet ve formátu, který není mezi lidmi tak oblíbený jako 2D a ještě se za lístky vybírá více peněz. A já s ním souhlasím. Takže Temný Rytíř Povstal "jen" ve 2D.
Tento film je epickým zakončením celé trilogie. Do Gothamu se vracíme po 8 letech, kdy se Batman vytratil a jméno Harveyho Denta je spojeno s vymýcením organizovaného zločinu. Jak podotýká mladý gothamský policista Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) "Brzy budeme honit opožděné knihy z knihovny". Samotného Bruce Waynea (Christian Bale) nacházíme pohublého a pobývajícího v ústraní ve svém znovu postaveném sídle. Jako Batman se obětoval a stal se uprchlíkem pro dobro města. Změnu v jeho životě způsobí příchod mazané "kočičí" zlodějky Seliny (Anne Hathaway) a když se na scéně objevuje tajuplný Bane (Tom Hardy), jehož cílem je destrukce a anarchická revoluce, je načase oprášit batmanovský arzenál. Ale bude to stačit k zastavení čistého zla?
Vidět opět pohromadě všechny "staré známé" je skvělý zážitek. A noví příchozí k němu jen přispívají. Po předchozích pochybách o Anne Hathaway musím říct, že už o ní pochybovat nebudu. V roli mazané zlodějky Seliny byla úžasná. Stejně tak Joseph Gordon-Levitt, který jako policista Blake pomáhá komisaři Gordonovi ve chvílích, kdy ve městě vládne chaos. Tom Hardy jako Bane je ztělesněním zla a stačí jeden pohled do jeho očí a vy víte, že takového protivníka tu Batman ještě neměl.
Nolan film natočil ve velkém a rozhodně Vás nenechá vydechnout, hlavně druhou půlku filmu. Když se na plátně konečně objevil Batman, chtěla jsem vyskočit a začít tleskat. Žádná z postav přímo nevyčnívá a všechno to do sebe pěkně zapadá. Díky flashbackům mohou na film i ti, kteří předchozí dva neviděli (avšak doufám, že takových je jen málo :)). Hudba Hanse Zimmera je pak třešničkou na dortu. Ano našla bych jednu, dvě scény bez kterých bychom se obešli a které mi přišly zbytečné, a ano začátek byl z mého pohledu trochu kostrbatý (proto 90% a ne 100%), ale konec mě naprosto odrovnal. Film hraje i na emocionální strunu (vzývám Michaela Cainea), takže slzička mi ukápla. Dámské oko ocení vypracované tělo Christiana Balea, muži pak sexy Anne na motorce (trochu jsem jí to záviděla). Pokud si nechcete nechat ujít jeden z nejlepších filmů tohoto roku, pak šup šup do kina.
With RedBull in one hand, Batman T-shirt and strengthened by meal in McDonalds, I went to see midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises.
At First I have one complain. I was disappointed by the approach of IMAX in Flora. We booked the tickets to the IMAX auditorium, got call on Monday saying there are some technical problems, so we will be watching the movie on smaller screen, to find out that there is no technical problem but "VIP" premiere of the movie - so shame on you!
For everyone who is expecting to go to see the movie in 3D, would like to point out that this movie doesn't come in this format. Director Christopher Nolan said, he is not going to make a movie in format people actually don't like that much and have to pay more money for the tickets. I agree with him. So The Dark Knight Rises is "only" in 2D.
This movie is an epic end to the trilogy. We find ourselves in Gotham 8 years after Batman disappeared and the name of Harvey Dent is associated with the end of orginized crime in the city. Young cop Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) describes the situation saying "Pretty soon we will be chasing down overdue library books". We see Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) as a very thin guy, staying in seclusion in his rebuild mansion. As Batman, he secrificed himself and became a fugitive for the good cause of the city. Change comes when he meets "cat" thief Selina (Anne Hathaway) and when mysterious character Bane (Tom Hardy) appears on the scene. Bane's aim is the destruction and anarchical revolution, time for Wayne to dust off his Batman arsenal. But will it be enough to destroy the pure evil?
To see "old and familiar faces" together again is amazing. And newcomers are adding the spice to it. I have to say, that after my concern over choosing Anne Hathaway to play the role of Selina, I was wrong. She was absolutely awesome. Same can be said about Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Blake, who is helping commissioner Gordon during the time Gotham is in chaos. Tom Hardy as Bane is the embodiment of evil. One look into his eyes and you know that Batman hasn't had such an opponent to fight with yet.
Nolan made the movie big and will not let you breathe, especially in the second half of the movie. When we finally see Batman on the screen, one wants to jump up and start clapping hands. None of the characters stands over the other and everything fits nicely together. Thank to the flashbacks in the movie, people can see this movie without watching the previous two (but hope there are just few of such a people :)) Music by Hans Zimmer is the icing on the cake. Yes I could point out one or two scenes we could live without, if they were not in the movie, and yes the first minutes of the movie were a bit gritty (therefore Im giving 90% not 100%), but the ending knocked me out completely. Movie also played on the emotional chord (god bless Michael Caine), so there were some tears in my eyes. Ladies will appreciate the body of Christian Bale, guys can enjoy seeing sexy Anne on bat bike (I envied her that). Well if you don't want to miss one of the best movies of this year, hurry and go see it. :)

At First I have one complain. I was disappointed by the approach of IMAX in Flora. We booked the tickets to the IMAX auditorium, got call on Monday saying there are some technical problems, so we will be watching the movie on smaller screen, to find out that there is no technical problem but "VIP" premiere of the movie - so shame on you!
For everyone who is expecting to go to see the movie in 3D, would like to point out that this movie doesn't come in this format. Director Christopher Nolan said, he is not going to make a movie in format people actually don't like that much and have to pay more money for the tickets. I agree with him. So The Dark Knight Rises is "only" in 2D.
This movie is an epic end to the trilogy. We find ourselves in Gotham 8 years after Batman disappeared and the name of Harvey Dent is associated with the end of orginized crime in the city. Young cop Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) describes the situation saying "Pretty soon we will be chasing down overdue library books". We see Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) as a very thin guy, staying in seclusion in his rebuild mansion. As Batman, he secrificed himself and became a fugitive for the good cause of the city. Change comes when he meets "cat" thief Selina (Anne Hathaway) and when mysterious character Bane (Tom Hardy) appears on the scene. Bane's aim is the destruction and anarchical revolution, time for Wayne to dust off his Batman arsenal. But will it be enough to destroy the pure evil?
To see "old and familiar faces" together again is amazing. And newcomers are adding the spice to it. I have to say, that after my concern over choosing Anne Hathaway to play the role of Selina, I was wrong. She was absolutely awesome. Same can be said about Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Blake, who is helping commissioner Gordon during the time Gotham is in chaos. Tom Hardy as Bane is the embodiment of evil. One look into his eyes and you know that Batman hasn't had such an opponent to fight with yet.
Nolan made the movie big and will not let you breathe, especially in the second half of the movie. When we finally see Batman on the screen, one wants to jump up and start clapping hands. None of the characters stands over the other and everything fits nicely together. Thank to the flashbacks in the movie, people can see this movie without watching the previous two (but hope there are just few of such a people :)) Music by Hans Zimmer is the icing on the cake. Yes I could point out one or two scenes we could live without, if they were not in the movie, and yes the first minutes of the movie were a bit gritty (therefore Im giving 90% not 100%), but the ending knocked me out completely. Movie also played on the emotional chord (god bless Michael Caine), so there were some tears in my eyes. Ladies will appreciate the body of Christian Bale, guys can enjoy seeing sexy Anne on bat bike (I envied her that). Well if you don't want to miss one of the best movies of this year, hurry and go see it. :)
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