V neděli 19. srpna oopustil tento svět režisér Tony Scott. Jeho filmy mám ráda a proto bych mu chtěla, na jeho počest, věnovat tento článek. Narodil se 21. června 1944 v Anglii. Byl nejmladší ze tří bratrů a jedním z nich není nikdo jiný než další velký režisér Ridley Scott. Když bylo Tonymu 16, Ridley jej obsadil do svého režijního debutu, krátkého filmu Boy and Bicycle (1965). Tony se vydal v jeho stopách a o 4 roky později natočil krátký černobílý film One of the Missing - trochu depresivní příběh vojáka z Občanské války (na něj se můžete podívat zde). Byl nadaný malíř a po studiu na umělecké Sunderlandské univerzitě se několik let malováním živil, což však nebylo moc výdělečné.
Spojil se proto s Ridleym a začal natáčet reklamy.V průběhu následujících dvaceti let jich režíroval tisíce. Mezi ty nejznámější patří reklama pro banku Barclays (a teď se odprosťmě od problémů, které tuto banku provázely), reklama pro Marlboro nebo krátký film pro BMW. Jeho poslední reklamou je ta pro Mountain Dew, která se objevila začátkem tohoto měsíce. Na začátku 80. let se rozhodl pro režírování filmů. Tím prvním celovečerním byl upírský film Hlad (1983) se Susan Sarandon, Catherine Denevue a Davidem Bowiem. Tento film se nestal kdovíjakým hitem, ale Scott se díky němu dostal do širšího povědomí. Následně ho oslovili producenti Jerry Bruckheimer a Don Simpson, aby režíroval Top Gun s úžasným Tomem Cruisem (myslete si o něm co, chcete - já ho mám ráda :)). Film se stal i přes rozdílné reakce velmi úspěšným - pro armádu určitě, protože díky tomuto filmu se do ní začalo hlásit spoustu lidí. Řekněme si upřímně, kdo by nechtěl být po jeho shlédnutí pilotem stíhačky. Já bych šla hned nebo by mi stačilo mít aspoň jednoho pilota doma :). S Cruisem spojil své síly i v dalším, méně úspěšném filmu Bouřlivé dny (1990). Po Top Gunu následoval sequel Policajt z Beverly Hills 2 (1987), Pomsta (1990), Poslední skaut (1991).
V roce 1993 režíroval film Pravdivá romance, jejíž scénář napsal začínající režisér Quentin Tarantino. Jako u filmu Bouřlivé dny, i tady složil hudbu vynikající Hans Zimmer. Svoji práci spojili ještě u filmů Krvavý Příliv (1995) a Fanatik (1996). Na pěti filmech pak Scott spolupracoval s Denzelem Washingtonem, naposledy v roce 2010 na filmu Nezastavitelní. Scott byl skvělým režisérem akčních thrillerů - kdo by si nepamatoval film Nepřítel státu (1998), Spy Game (2001) nebo Muž v Ohni (2004).
Od režírování filmu si několikrát odskočil k televizním seriálům. V roce 1997 to byl televizní seriál Hlad, v roce 2005 Vražedná čísla. Věnoval se ale i filmové a televizní produkci. Společně s bratrem Ridleym stál za vznikem společnosti Scott Free Productions. V poslední době se věnoval hlavně produkci a připravoval se na natáčení sequelu Top Gunu (ještě minulý týden objížděl lokace k natáčení), filmu který jej proslavil. Tony Scott se rozhodl odejít z tohoto světa sám a já můžu jen říct, že jsme tak přišli o jednoho ze skvělých režisérů. Odpočívej v pokoji.
On Sunday 19th August, Tony Scott left this world. I like his films so I would like to dedicate this article to him, in his honor. Born on 21st June 1944 in England, the youngest of three brothers - one of them is none other than Ridley Scott, another great director. When 16 years young, Tony appeared in Ridley's directorial debut, short film Boy and Bicycle (1995). Tony followed in his brother's footsteps, and four years later made a short black and white film One of the Missing - little bit a depressive film about soldier in the Civil War (you can watch it here). He was also a very talented painter, and after studying at an Art university of Sunderland he worked as painter for several years. But it was not very profitable. Therefore he teamed up with Ridley and began directing commercials. During next twenty years Tony directed over thousands of them. Among the best known and influential are commercial for Barclays (and we can keep aside all the troubles this bank went through), commercial for Marlboro or short movie for BMW. His last commercial, which can be seen these days, is the one for Mountain Dew.
At the beginning of 80s, Tony Scott decided to start directing films. First one was vampire movie called The Hunger (1983) with Susan Sarandon, Catherine Denevue and David Bowie. Even though this movie was not so successful, Scott received wider recognition. He was asked by producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson to direct Top Gun with amazing Tom Cruise (think what you want of him, but I really like him :)). Movie became a hit despite mixed reviews it got. It was definitely success for the army, because after seeing this film, lot of people wanted to join the army. And let's be hones who would not want to be fighter pilot - I would, or at least I would like to have one of them at home. :) He met with Cruise again in less successful film Days of Thunder (1990). After Top Gun, Tony Scott directed sequel - Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987), Revenge (1990), Last Boy Scout (1991).
In 1993 he directed film True Romance, it's screenplay was written by appealing director Quentin Tarantino. And as in Days of Thunder, music for this one was composed by Hans Zimmer. They cooperated together also on films Crimson Tide (1995) and The Fan (1996). Tony Scott had also long time cooperation with actor Denzel Washington, with whom he worked on five films; most recently they joined forces in The Unstoppable (2010). Scott was really good in directing action thrillers: who would not remember Enemy of the State (1998), Spy Game (2001) and Man on Fire (2004).
From directing films, he sometimes bounced to direct TV series - The Hunger in 1997 and Numb3rs in 2005. He also devoted himself to be a producer. Together with his brother Ridley, he stood behind the creation of Scott Free Productions. Recently he was mainly producing films and preparing for the shooting of Top Gun sequel (only last week he was searching for filming locations), movie that brought him fame. Tony Scott decided to leave this world and I can only say that we lost one of the great directors. Rest in peace.

At the beginning of 80s, Tony Scott decided to start directing films. First one was vampire movie called The Hunger (1983) with Susan Sarandon, Catherine Denevue and David Bowie. Even though this movie was not so successful, Scott received wider recognition. He was asked by producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson to direct Top Gun with amazing Tom Cruise (think what you want of him, but I really like him :)). Movie became a hit despite mixed reviews it got. It was definitely success for the army, because after seeing this film, lot of people wanted to join the army. And let's be hones who would not want to be fighter pilot - I would, or at least I would like to have one of them at home. :) He met with Cruise again in less successful film Days of Thunder (1990). After Top Gun, Tony Scott directed sequel - Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987), Revenge (1990), Last Boy Scout (1991).
In 1993 he directed film True Romance, it's screenplay was written by appealing director Quentin Tarantino. And as in Days of Thunder, music for this one was composed by Hans Zimmer. They cooperated together also on films Crimson Tide (1995) and The Fan (1996). Tony Scott had also long time cooperation with actor Denzel Washington, with whom he worked on five films; most recently they joined forces in The Unstoppable (2010). Scott was really good in directing action thrillers: who would not remember Enemy of the State (1998), Spy Game (2001) and Man on Fire (2004).
From directing films, he sometimes bounced to direct TV series - The Hunger in 1997 and Numb3rs in 2005. He also devoted himself to be a producer. Together with his brother Ridley, he stood behind the creation of Scott Free Productions. Recently he was mainly producing films and preparing for the shooting of Top Gun sequel (only last week he was searching for filming locations), movie that brought him fame. Tony Scott decided to leave this world and I can only say that we lost one of the great directors. Rest in peace.
RIP Tony.
ReplyDeleteTom Cruise je mazak! Tady je jeden krasnej priklad. Jay Mohr vypravi o jeho praci s Cruisem z filmu Jerry McGuire: